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It’s Not Even Close to Christmas!

Christmas lights all over the city the day after Halloween. Christmas trees and decorations in every supermarket the day after Halloween, too. Christmas-themed toys and products everywhere, and it’s still November.

It used to be something that we saw on Facebook, something that happened in America, but not here. Sure, Christmas decorations would appear a bit too early, but “too early” used to mean December. This year, however, someone (not mentioning names here) decided that Belgrade could attract more tourists by investing the taxpayers’ money into premature Christmas lights, and, apparently, pretty much everyone jumped on the bandwagon.

Some of this stuff is cute, as you can see on the picture above.

But it’s still too early.

A holiday isn’t a holiday if it lasts for three months. It becomes a season, and a season is… Something else.

Not to mention it’s annoying to watch this overcommercialized stuff for three months.


A writer, a reader, a dreamer. Dreaming myself into existence.

6 thoughts on “It’s Not Even Close to Christmas!

  1. PREACH! It’s a huge problem in America, as you know. Several people bragged on Facebook that they had their trees up in early November. When I mentioned I get sick of my tree if I have it up for two full months, I was told I just didn’t like Christmas as much as they do. I might LOVE chocolate, but if I eat it all day every day, it won’t be as GOOD as if I just savor it occasionally as a special treat. That’s what Christmas is…celebrate in December ONLY and it’s more special.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly… You’d just get sick of chocolate, and probably couldn’t stand to look at it for quite a while.

      My mother sometimes keeps her tree for a week after Christmas because she’s sorry to see it go (and she really loves all the decorations), but she doesn’t put it up in advance.


    1. Around these parts, Christmas is two weeks later than in USA (Serbian Orthodox Church uses the old calendar). I remember when Christmas was barely mentioned before the New Year, and New Year was mentioned one or two weeks before the date, mostly when making celebration plans.
      Black Friday on Thanksgiving day really seems cruel to so many people.


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